About All Saints

Founder and Pastor of All Saint World Mission Church in Spencerville  Maryland. He is blessed with a loving wife (Joetta) of over 24 years and five lovely children. Son of one of Africa’s renowned prelites and decorated
humanitarian, Rev. Dr. J. Edwin Lloyd Sr and Emma Mitchell-Lloyd. Rev. Lloyd was born in Liberia, West Africa and obtained his high school education at the College of West Africa (CWA). hIn addition to english he speaks French and some American Sign Language (ASL).

At a very young age, he accepted Christ and later received his call to ministry. In 1988, Rev. Lloyd was licenced by the Liberia Baptist and Missionary Convention and served at Hopeful Baptist Church, Liberia. In 1990, Rev. Lloyd (with his father) co-founded the Union Baptist Church in
the Republic of Cote D’Ivoire where he was ordained in 1996 and served as an Associate Pastor. His pastoral ministry blessed many other churches over the years. Rev. Lloyd is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of HUB International Ministries International Inc., Maryland USA. Through the HUB Ministries Inc., Rev. Lloyd provides financial and leadership support to four additional churches in Africa and Haiti.

Rev. Lloyd’s vision for All Saints is a strong Bible believing Church dedicated to missions and evangelism with focus on christian leadership development. His hobbies include listening to gospel music, chess and playing pool.


– Rev. Oliver T. Lorenzo Simpson Lloyd

Our Ministries

Men’s Ministry

Music Ministry

Family Life

Women’s Ministry

Missions & Evangelism

Chrisitan Education

Ushers & Hospitality

Our Core Values


We are a FAMILY BASED church.

We are committed to building an environment where everyone feels included and belonged. Matthew 12:50; Acts 2:44

We are a BIBLE TEACHING Church.

We are committed to the Bible as having been written under divine inspiration and recognizes that it is   authentic and inflatable .  (Deuteronomy 4) (2 Timothy 3:16)

We are a PRAYING Church.

We believe God’s authority and power are revealed to us and through us when we communicate with Him in prayer. We believe Prayer is indispensable to an intimate relationship with God.  (Proverbs 15:8) (Mark 11:23-25) (James 5:16-18)

We are a COMPASSIONATE Church.

We are committed to developing and maintaining a proper relationship with God and to reaching out to others in a manner that is mindful of His love for all men.   (Luke 10:25-27) (James 1:27) (I John 5:12)


We are committed to showing Christ-like behavior toward others through unselfish and sacrificial service.   (Luke 10:25-27) (James 5:19-20)

We are a GIVING Church.

We are committed to the proper use of our time, resources and spiritual gifts to the glory of God.   (Malachi 3:10) (Luke 6:38) (2 Corinthians 9:6)

We are a church of EXCELLENCE.

We are committed to the practice of excellence: Doing our best in all things, at all times, to the glory of God. Colossians 3:17; 1 Peter 4:11